mother Earth



The vision of the club is to use scientific Innovations as our Action towards attaining a Net Zero Carbon status.

The trees are good Carbon sinks, but they need assistance due to increasing industrialization but decreasing tree population.

One chemical reactor can consume a big amount of excess carbon dioxide gas, replacing a forest. 


Our club is a dynamic club, which welcomes all interested young scientists from all academic backgrounds.

COME!     WITNESS!     and     MAKE A CHOICE!


Factories account much to global carbon emissions.


At Scientific Climate Solutions

The answer to Climate change and Global warming lies in science.

A New Chemical Reaction that consumes carbon dioxide gas and forms charcoal has been successfully tested in a Laboratory.


This science can work together with existing carbon capture projects like:

  1. DAC – Direct Air Capture;
  2. Carbon Capture at the power plant

The existing carbon capture projects are not successful due to the lack of space for storing the captured carbon dioxide gas.

The new scientific discovery is called ” SSONKO’S EXCLUSIVE CARBON CAPTURE.” Carbon and Oxygen gas are completely separated from Carbon dioxide gas in a chemical reaction.

We invite anyone to join efforts in employing science to mitigate climate change

Origin of rusting

” Nature Publishing Group, May ,31, 1906″

The first view taken of the atmospheric corrosion or rusting of Iron was that; Rusting was due to a simple process of oxidation.

  • In 1871, Crace Calvert described rusting in using many experiments.
  • In 1888, Professor Crum Brown based on Crace Calvert’s descriptions on rusting and he suggested that, the first stage in rusting of iron is the production of iron (II) carbonate ; (When Iron reacted with carbonic acid). The water in the atmosphere reacted with the carbon dioxide gas in air to form carbonic acid.

  . The ferrous carbonate produced later reacted with oxygen in the presence of water to form rust 

  • In 1898 however, Professor Dunstan, a lecturer at the Royal Artillery Institution, explained that, Iron in presence of oxygen and water, first produced iron (II) oxide and hydrogen peroxide.

The portion of hydrogen peroxide later converted the ferrous oxide into ferric oxide (rust), and the process continues in a similar order.

  • The current explanation for the origin of iron rusting has been developed by different scientists including Jowett and Goulding, Dr.G.T. Moody, and Albert Holderness, among others….
  • Conditions necessary for rusting to occur according to A. Holderness, are only liquid water and oxygen.


In an anaerobic system, Ferrum readily reacts with water  to form Ferrous hydroxide, which is unstable. The ferrous hydroxide will by all means seek for stability by attacking any oxygen rich substance like a carbonate of a metal lower than Iron itself in electro chemical series. Therefore, forming Ferric oxide hydrated (rust), at a very high rate.

Ssonko’s special theory for iron metal rusting has given rise to SECC – Ssonko’s Exclusive Carbon Capture.

This is a hope in fighting climate change because there was no chemical reaction which could consume carbon dioxide gas apart from Burning magnesium, which is very delicate to handle.

It is easy to convert the carbon dioxide gas into a substance simple to handle, say a carbonate, and later on we use the SECC  completely denaturing the gas in rusting.


There is a direct relationship between carbonates and rusting, as observed by the first scientists who studied and extensively carried out experiments about rusting.

Carbon dioxide gas to a carbonate to Rust


It was a wonderful moment of sharing about our mother earth between Laudato Si’ and Green Science Club.

Laudato Si’ Centre – Comboni Uganda (LSCC) is a center established by the Comboni Missionaries in Uganda to coordinate the activities of Comboni Action for Environment and Human promotion. LSCC provides a forum to intertwine evangelization (announcing the gospel) with social apostolate (Human promotion, social transformation, and Environmental protection) with the aim of providing an innovative solution to the ecological challenges in Uganda.

Green Science Club is a club which works together with students from various schools.

Our activities aim at contributing towards the Sustainable Development Goal 13 “Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.” Through Scientific Climate Solutions under Green Science Club, we promote application of science as the only effective option to mitigate climate change. Scientific innovations like new power reactor designs, new chemical formulae, biological control (Algae and Bacteria, or special tree species with high carbon dioxide gas intake rate)… are promoted and encouraged, through active laboratory research in various schools.

A team of; Kasaala Parish Priest, Fr. Kennedy, Br. Michael and Sister, interacted and shared with Green Science Club about the environment and the impacts of man’s activities like industrialization.

The environment is made up of air, animals, plants, water sources and soil. The activities done by man like industrialization have a negative impact on environment and the climate.

All the components of our environment are being polluted in one way or the other:


  • Poor waste management contaminate our water sources, denying people a chance to use clean water. For example sewage joins a water channel from Bwaise through Namungoona, Masanafu and drains in Busega swamps.  The polluted water is not safe for domestic use because diseases like Cholera epidemic can break out.
  • Water shortage caused by reclamation of water sources and wetlands like swamps.
  • Aquatic life is destroyed by waste containing toxic chemicals released into water bodies.


  • Toxic fumes from industries, coal power reactors and dust from poor roads all have contaminated the air. People are breathing poor quality air.


  • Trees are cut down for charcoal, fire wood, furniture and construction. The high amounts of carbon dioxide gas have caused global warming because the trees which remove the gas are destroyed.
  • We need plants for fresh air and food.


  • Poor waste management like plastic disposal has caused soil infertility. Plastics including polyethene bags take many years to decompose. Plastic pollution is too much in water bodies, and in the soil. 
  • Carbon Capture methods like Direct Air Capture (DAC), Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW), and Carbon Capture at Power Reactor all end up injecting the captured carbon dioxide gas deep into the land.


  • Man is going to be displaced by excessive sun radiations and water hazards.
  • we shall not be able to practice Agriculture because of changing climatic patterns.
  • We shall acquire diseases associated with much sun radiations like dehydration and mental illness.
  • We shall suffer from disease resulting from cool temperatures like Covid – 19 Pandemic.
  • We shall suffer from diseases associated with floods like Cholera Epidemic.
  • Let us think about the future generations, our children and grand children; In what condition will they find our planet earth? 
  • Our children will curse us for having neglected to take immediate action towards climate change and yet man is accountable for all the damages.


It is our role to protect our  mother earth.

We need cars, medicine, clothes, power, plastics, steel,… but how can we live with them in an eco – friendly way?

By sharing.

  • Three friends can share a car instead of three cars which emit much fumes.

Plant a tree.

Plant a tree for remembrance; of your birthday, marriage anniversary,  graduation, baptism, for your success, for you to eat fruits, for you to study it’s growth…. ). All targeting protecting our planet, and fighting poverty.

Waste management.

  • Stop bad habits of throwing plastics any where but keep it in one place and recycle them.
  • waste can be digested into bio – gas for cooking and the slurry is a good organic manure.
  • We need to think of all ways of utilizing waste and fumes to save the environment and fight poverty at the same time.

Thanks to our dear friends from Laudato Si’ we shall always be together in body and spirit.

Biological Control and Chemical Treatment

They are hope for attaining Net Zero state. The students want to think of organisms like the Cyanobacteria (Blue - Green Algae) and a special tree species with unexceptional rate of carbon dioxide gas consumption. This is because of their high potentials to attack carbon dioxide gas and carry out the process of photosynthesis.